The musical adaptation of Mean Girls seems to have found its stride, surpassing the original movie in certain aspects, especially with Angourie Rice stepping into Lindsay Lohan's former role. The evolution of high school comedies, transitioning from film to stage musical to a cinematic rendition of the musical, mirrors the trajectories of Hairspray, The Producers, and The Color Purple. My initial dissent towards the 2004 original stemmed from a comparison with Clueless, Election, and 10 Things I Hate About You, criticizing Mean Girls for its perceived shortcomings in addressing prettiness-fascism. However, perhaps I overlooked the individually funny lines and Tina Fey's screenwriting prowess, considering her later success with the TV series 30 Rock. In retrospect, Fey adeptly explores the perennial Mean Girls themes of reconciling success with kindness. The Broadway adaptation of Mean Girls proved to be an enhancement, injecting humor and histrionics into the narrative. The m...